
Reality Check: The Truth About THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN and Her Son?


This news is from Jonathan Gray -


“Did it work? Are you pregnant?”

“You bet I am!”

“Do you think they’ll buy your story?”

“Of course they will! The public are ready. They’re waiting for the event. It will be a push-over.”

The widowed queen tossed the silk wrapper over her shoulder. “Just you wait and see.”

So, let’s create the rumor and get back the power – what a lovely idea.

To understand this, we need to flash back to 2234 BC.

Here begins the best counterfeiting story from history that you ever heard. Hollywood should dramatise this. Not that they would. It would too explosive. And you'll see why, soon.

Anyway, let's tell it as it happened. Here goes…

* * * * * *
Ahead of the dust cloud, twenty-two wild riders galloped in through the gates.

“Wiped out heaps more today,” shouted the one behind the leader. “But they’re spreading fast.”

The first rider, a dark man of noble bearing, who looked to be the leader, slid down from his mount. He raised his arms to lift off his headband. Towering from it were two crescent horns. Bull’s horns.

The roar of the villagers swelled to fever pitch. And was that music to his ears! He pushed through them and disappeared inside. Such adoration… how he loved it! Soon he’d have them eating out of his hand.

Not long earlier, the earth had been devastated in the Great Flood and the population almost wiped out.

Since the disaster, the climate had become unstable, vegetation struggling. Food was hard earned. Men and wild beasts competed for survival. Nimrod’s hour had come.

* * * * * * *
We are about to uncover one of the most scandalous and bizarre sets of events in history.

The post-Flood world was still in its infancy. Population increase was not yet an issue, so separation was neither necessary nor desirable.

The rudiments of all future nations were still assembled together in one region in the Middle East, and jointly formed one moderately large community.

Here they agreed, by common consent, to build a city and a tower, as a visible rallying point on the flat plain. The stated purpose was to prevent their dispersion over the face of the earth.

Now begins a fascinating piece of history.

In those early centuries after the World Flood of 2345 BC, there was one vexing problem. Wild animals were multiplying faster than people. The rapid growth of the predators must have made life very dangerous for the first, straggling populations.

Enter Nimrod, a great grandson of Noah. The population at this time would be anywhere from 4,000 to 25,000 (See the bases for this calculation in my book The Corpse Came Back, pp. 75-77,107)

As Nimrod organized bands of men to hunt down and kill the fierce, marauding beasts, he established himself as the mighty “protector” of the people. This gave him great influence among the people.

Having emancipated them from their fear of the wild animals, Nimrod became the leader in secular affairs. He ambitiously built the first recorded post-Flood city, surrounding it with a high wall. Thus the people were protected and Nimrod was able to rule over them.

The Legion of Lucifer were watching. And they now saw their opportunity to revive their long-term strategy, which had been set back by the Great
Flood. They had their man picked out and they knew he would do the job well.

If Nimrod had simply delivered the people from the fear of wild beasts, that would have been fine.

But when the forces of Lucifer entered the picture, events were to take a new twist. Here was their opportunity to bring the whole population under their control.

So the campaign was activated. Nimrod would be their front man.

It is important to remember that the Global Flood only a few generations earlier was fresh in the peoples’ minds.

This had been a major cosmic catastrophe. It involved, among other factors, up to 30,000 volcanoes belching forth dust, steam, boulders and lava.

And even as the Deluge subsided, rampant volcanism continued to play havoc.

The thickening cloud cover deflected solar heat away from the earth.

Temperatures were dropping. The weather remained wet, cold and miserable… largely without sunshine.

We should bear in mind that unlike today’s Western world, there was, in those early times, a high general awareness of spiritual issues.

“See?” cried Nimrod. “God has ruined the world. He is to blame for the Flood. And now we have to put up with dangerous, rampaging beasts, freezing climate, little sun. Surely you can see, the Creator is a monster. I’ve had enough.”

Nimrod was a man to heed. Already he was their hero. Hadn’t he delivered them from the fear of wild beasts? He had built protective walls around their community. They were ready to listen.

“I have your interest at heart,” declared Nimrod. “So forget God. You can’t even see Him. Where does our warmth and cheer come from? What brings life to our plants, makes our food grow? Of course, it’s the SUN. If you want to honor something, I offer you the sun!”

A beam of sunshine broke through the thick cloud cover. It was welcomed with enthusiasm. Nimrod had them on his side.

And the seeds of SUN worship were sown. Through the sun symbol, Lucifer, whose name meant “day star” (sun) smugly imagined himself as the coming focus of worship. This would firmly establish him as the god of Planet Earth.

Meanwhile, Nimrod was cultivating his reputation as “The Mighty One”.

From horned animals that he had subdued, such as the bull, the horn became a well-known symbol for power and might. And so, by degrees, the practice developed of calling Nimrod the “The Horned One”. He was, after all, the first to wear on his head a band in which horns were set, symbolic of his power over beasts.

And it is probably to this “Kronos” (“the horned one”) that we can attribute the origin of present-day royal crowns.

Up to this time, extended families looked to their eldest male as their leader. Nimrod was the first to defy this patriarchal system and appoint himself over communities as ruler and king.

In the Chaldean language, the same word that signified a bull, signified also a ruler or prince. Hence the “horned bull” came to be a symbol for “the mighty prince”.

This play on words would, in time, give rise to the Assyrian horned man-bull, the Indian counterpart (the sacred cow), as well as the Egyptian sacred Apis bulls, whose female counterpart, the cow, would come to be worshipped as a goddess called Hathor.

There was a sudden interruption to Nimrod’s ambitions. This impressive Tower of Babel was struck and reduced to ruin.

To make matters worse, the speech of his followers was suddenly confused. And groups began to uproot and move away.

At first in shock, Nimrod soon revived his close team and went after the closer scattered communities with promises to extend his protection to them.

Then, by force of arms (using men already strengthened by fighting beasts), Nimrod began his conquests of other communities. These brutal excursions extended as far as Libya, against groups who still followed the way of the Creator and were unskilled in war.

There were some who persuasively withstood his flood of arrogance. The ageing Shem (progenitor of the Semites) so convinced a tribunal of 72 judges in Egypt of the enormity of Nimrod’s offence, that they pronounced the death sentence upon him. (Wilkinson, Egyptians. London: 1837-1841, vol. v. p. 17; Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons, 1969, pp. 62-64)

Nimrod fled to the vicinity of modern day Rome, but was caught and executed.

Nimrod’s being cut down at the height of his glory was a great shock to his followers. Outwardly it halted the sun worship he had established.

It was a startling setback for the Legion of Lucifer. But they were not to be beaten.

Nimrod had married a commoner by the name of Semiramus. She was considered to be one of the most beautiful women on earth. But she was the pits. Perhaps no woman ever was more rotten than she.

The Lucifer Legion now switched their attention to her. How ideally suited was she for their plan!

Understandably, no one was more deeply concerned about Nimrod’s sudden death than she. From an originally humble position, she had been raised to share with him the throne of Babel.

What, in this emergency, should she do? Was she to quietly forego the pomp and pride to which she had been raised? No, indeed!

Although her husband’s death had given a rude shock to her power, yet her unbounded ambition was not to be checked. It now took a higher flight. In life her husband had been honoured as a hero. In death she would have him worshipped as a god.

If she played it right, instead of the public remembering Nimrod as a tyrant, she might persuade them to believe he was a god they should revere.


Semiramus had fallen under the control of the Lucifer Legion. And she was shown the moves she needed to make.

The human race was familiar with the promise concerning the death of a Deliverer who would do good deeds before his death. The prophecy stated that this “god-man” would be born of the “seed of a woman” (not the seed of a man), hence by a virgin birth.

The prophecy also indicated that after his violent death he would rise to triumph against his enemies.

The rumor would be spread that Nimrod had fulfilled the prophecy of the Coming One. Brilliant! Well, he was a great hero, right? Hadn’t he delivered mankind from the fear of the wild beasts? Hadn’t he gathered them for safety into the first protected city?

Had he not also delivered them from those spiritual relics of the Flood disaster – men like Noah, Shem, and so on?

And had not Nimrod been condemned by malicious judges in cahoots with Shem? Of course he had! Her husband – great hero that he was - had freely sacrificed himself for the good of mankind. He was surely the Promised One!

Semiramus would have Nimrod honored as that promised “seed of the woman” who had been prophesied to be “bruised in the foot”. This expression “bruised in the foot” was understood as meaning that he was to die a violent death.To have your foot bruised bruised, you might be put out of action temporarily, but you could recover, right?

Now watch the play…

With boldness, she made the move. “Nimrod’s spirit has ascended to the sun,” she announced. And then came the punchline… a beam from the sun had impregnated her womb!

Semiramus – brazenly – claimed to be still a virgin. So it was that when a male child was born to her, she asserted the baby to be the promised Deliverer - actually her dead husband re-born to defeat his enemies. Smooth move!

Her child was named Tammuz. His birth date: December 25. (Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons. London: S.W. Partridge & Co., 1969, pp. 91-103)

Are you following this? Before your head completely spins off your neck, let’s stop and see what had happened up till now. From hunting down animals, Nimrod had turned to hunting down defenceless people.

His defiant and corrupt worship system had been open and public. His death was not that of a warrior slain in battle, but a judicial act, solemnly inflicted.

Nimrod’s dismembered limbs had been sent to the chief cities, probably those where his system had been established. And his sun worship cult was outlawed.

But hold your breath. Beautiful Semiramus was no idiot. She realized that to revive Nimrod’s system publicly would be out of the question. The pure patriarchal faith was still fresh in the minds of men, and Shem, Noah’s son, was still alive to rouse and rally the faithful for the cause of the Creator. This made open sun worship hazardous.

Okay, okay, extreme caution would have to be used. If her power over the people was to be recovered – if the dead hero was to be elevated to the status of a god – the process would need to begin secretly. Then only after she had gained enough supporters would it be safe to re-establish Nimrod’s paganism openly.

So what was going to happen next?

Well, we know what happened. They went under cover… so that the forbidden things were represented in public by something else. Double meanings...

That was the game.

To this harlot’s rescue came a high-powered religious think-tank.

The priests, in return for favors, brainstormed what was to become known as the “Mysteries”.

Under the seal of secrecy and the sanction of an oath, and by means of all the resources of witchcraft, tricks and magic, Nimrod’s sympathisers were gradually enticed back to the outlawed system.

Under numerous hidden symbols, the sun cult was resumed.

Those who were initiated would know that they were in reality worshipping the forbidden things, under these new symbols. But the outsider would not know. It would be a mystery to him!

In the Babylonian Mysteries, for example, they would name their sun god Bel– a word which could refer to the “sun” or to the “heart”.

The devotees knew that they could not openly raise up images of the sun. That would be too obvious.

So in the double-talk of the Mysteries, they decided on the symbol of the heart to represent their worship. It was the very same word, you see: Bel.

The sneaky part was this. When an outsider questioned their use of the heart symbol in their worship, he was led to believe that the devotees were simply acknowledging the loving heart of the promised Messiah. Smooth talk.

But these devotees knew it was not Bel as heart, that they were worshipping, but Bel as the sun. To cryptically indicate this, they carved flames of the sun to encircle their “sacred heart” images!

So there was one explanation for the initiate… and another for the outsider.

That’s why, to give another example, you have the circle of the sun seen at the tip of Vishnu’s finger, as well as the circular tonsure of priests – imitating the solar disc.

The symbol could be explained to outsiders as the circle of a “seed” (a symbol of the promised true Messiah who was yet to come), but to the initiated as the “Sun”.

The outsider was not told what was really going on.

Semiramus was a shrewd girl. And she was to become the Great Mother of what would be termed by one modern writer as “16 messiah-gods”.

The skeptic may shout himself hoarse attempting to side-step this fact, but let him explain satisfactorily the origin of these “messiah-gods”.

It was in the great scattering which ultimately occurred from Nimrod’s Babel center, that this single religious system was carried by the dispersing tribes to the ends of the earth.

So, around the world, various religions arose with this same “christ” story.

Now, a careful study will reveal that although these “christ” legends vary so much, the points of similarity do show a common origin for them.

There is compelling evidence that those many “christs” of legend are, in fact, one and the same person! They are Semiramus’ parody of the universally expected Promised One.

The first prophecy concerning the coming Christ can be traced back as early as 4000 BC. (See my book "Stolen Identity",chapters 5 and 6)

However, the many “christs” of paganism go back only to around 2200 BC. They originated at this place called Babel, in Mesopotamia. (See Jonathan Gray’s book "UFO Aliens: The Deadly Secret", chapters 27,30 and 31. <http://www.beforeus.com/aliens.php>)

It is to the event which occurred here that the religions of ancient Babylon, Egypt, India, the Maya and others owe their “christs”. These simply mimic the promise of the Deliverer who was to come.

Indeed, a “messiah” was worshipped in the pagan Mysteries. But it was the worship of a bogus messiah – the rebel Nimrod… and ultimately, also, his wife.

She, in setting up her husband as the counterfeit messiah, used secret, mysterious symbols to represent him, so that he could be worshipped through these symbols as a god.

And although such deceit was considered necessary at first, eventually thisworship became widespread. Then, when it became powerful enough to take over a nation, it was pursued blatantly without risk. And images of the sun began to appear openly everywhere.

Semiramus had pulled it off – this miserable caricature of the truth. Nimrod’s blasphemous travesty was up and running.

But there was a price to pay for joining it. Members had to tell Semiramus’ priests everything they ever did wrong. It was called the Confessional.

After telling all, the followers were scared stiff that the priest might expose them. This way the “mother of harlots” maintained control of the people with an iron fist.

How did she pull this off? Four factors helped Queen Semiramus:
1. Nimrod’s popularity
2. The desire of the people to keep him in their memory
3. Semiramus’ extraordinary beauty
4. The fact that many kings had become subservient through Nimrod’s conquests.

She went to one after another, offering her favors to them. And in return, they furthered her self-conceived counterfeit system of religion, which gradually spread to the ends of the earth.

This is why every pagan religion in every country, from South America to Japan, carries identical symbols and festivals to a very marked extent, even to this day. What a woman!

Just see how the Legion of Lucifer had triumphed! This way, they would divert millions from the hated rescue plan.

Lucifer is shrewd. He makes black look so white, you can hardly tell the difference between the fake and the real. That’s how counterfeiters work.

In time, statues appeared of Semiramus holding her husband/son, Nimrod, as the sun god. The halo around his head indicated his asserted relationship with the sun.

At first, there was no intention for the mother herself to be adored. She was used chiefly as a pedestal for the upholding of her “divine” son, to present him for adoration by mankind.

However, that which most appeals to the senses must make the most powerful impression.

According to the records, the sun-burnt Nimrod was Negroid in appearance.

But the physical beauty of Semiramus was legendary. On one occasion her beauty is reported to have quelled a rising rebellion among her subjects. She suddenly appeared among them – and the admiration excited by that appearance led to the erection of a statue in her honour. (Valerius Maximus, lib. ix., cap. 3, leaf 193, p. 2).

Some time after her death, Semiramus herself would come to be worshipped in different countries as Isis, Venus, Aphrodite and so on. In China she was called Shing Moo (Holy Mother of China). In Phoenicia she was Ashtoreth. In Asia Minor she became Diana the huntress (wife of the famous hunter of Babel), sporting a tiered Tower of Babel headpiece.

One of her names was Astarte, or Ishtar (Easter), which simply means, “woman”. And her devotees would bake cakes to her, with the “+” symbol (the “+” representing the “T” for Tammuz, her child) stamped on the cakes (cross buns). “Queen of heaven” became a popular title for her.

In Egypt she was also styled Hathor, in her role as the one in whom dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead.

To point out this great goddess-mother, in a pantheistic sense, as at once the Infinite and Almighty one, and the Virgin mother, this inscription was engraven upon one of her temples in Egypt: “I am all that has been, or that is, or that shall be. No mortal has removed my veil. The fruit which I have brought forth is the Sun.” (Bunsen’s Egypt. Vol. 1. London, 1848, pp.386,387)

As the tribes were forcibly scattered from the Mesopotamian region, they carried to the ends of the earth this belief system of Nimrod. Each group worshipped the same fake “messiah” child in his mother's arms, under different names, depending on the language.

So, in different countries, the Nimrod saga was adapted under the names of Baal, Bacchus, Saturn, Osiris, Adonis, Tammuz, Horus, Krishna, and so on –a whole string of synthetic messiahs. (Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons.)

It was developed into a promiscuous and sadistic system that appealed to the basest of human instincts. That was a secret of its success.

Like a virus, it took over the world - and survives in the various pagan religions to this day.

There you have it, the origin of those pagan “messiah-god” myths. They resulted from the hijacking of a well-known prophecy.


Meanwhile, just get your mind around the subtlety of these myths that grew around the historical character Nimrod.

In Egypt, one of Nimrod’s titles was Osiris. Osiris was mystically concealed by being represented under the form of a young bull, or calf, Apis. Why? Because apis means “to cover”, “conceal”. The Apis bulls represented “the hidden one”.

And why “the hidden one”? This simply refers to Nimrod’s real identity as the one being worshipped under the cover or concealment of a bull symbol.

A bull was one of the wild beasts that Nimrod the hunter had subdued. And, as we noted, the worship of the outlawed Nimrod was “hidden” from all except those who were initiated into the Mysteries.


Secondly, in life the king of Babel, Nimrod, had been a hero. With his hunting bands, he had delivered the straggling populations from the fear of wild beasts. After Nimrod’s violent death, his widow Semiramus spread the word that Nimrod had been the promised Deliverer. And that her newborn child Tammuz was Nimrod returning as the promised Deliverer.

Honestly, lately, so many emails have come in asking about these multiple messiah gods of Mexico, Egypt, Greece, India and everywhere else, that I just HAD TO pull together all the crucial data.

If I can get some people thinking, it will be worth it.

The questions are numerous:
* Were there at least 16 avatars/saviors/messiahs before Jesus Christ – for
example, Krishna, Mithra, Osiris, Thoth, Prometheus, Buddha, Quetzalcoatl
* Was Jesus just a fairy tale copied from pagan “christs”?
* Why are the stories and teachings of Jesus Christ, Krishna and Buddha so remarkably similar?
* Why do their mythologies have uncanny parallels – for example, virgin birth, a December 25 birthday, saviors of royal descent, a violent death, a resurrection, ascensions, and so on?
* Is Christianity recycled paganism?
* Is the Bible so unreliable, you cannot trust what it tells you?
* Has it been tampered with?
* Are churches covering up the truth?

I had better alert you now, that someone is playing us for suckers. I think you and I deserve an explanation.

We shall also find ourselves confronting issues such as these:
* Are there endless cycles of destruction and reincarnation?
* Is Satan (Lucifer) the real god?
* Is 2012 the year of doom for this planet?

Here’s where to go for stickier questions and more explosive information. http://www.beforeus.com/stolen-id.php
Meanwhile, I wish you and yours a great week ahead.
Until next time,
Jonathan Gray

Please email me your questions. I am here to help
you with any questions on ancient mysteries. Just
email me at info@archaeologyanswers.com
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International explorer, archaeologist and author
Jonathan Gray has traveled the world to gather data
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