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The New Messianic Version of the Bible (The Book of GOD)


The New Messianic Version of the Bible (The Book of GOD) [Kindle Edition]

Tov Rose (Author)

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    Editorial Reviews


    "Tov Rose fills in the gaps of God the Father.  The church has emphasized God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit.  But in the last days, the emphasis will be on understanding and knowing God the Father.  Only someone with a Jewish understanding can bring us this end-time revelation [and Tov has done so]."

    Sid Roth 
    Television Host
    It's Supernatural! Television

    "Tov has captured and addressed two major issues facing our culture and the Christian church today; an inadequate and incorrect understanding of our Heavenly Father and the intimate relationship He desires with us, and the inaccurate perception that many men and women have about God's created purposes for men. A true and biblical understanding of both issues, as presented by Tov, will result in a wonderful, fulfilling relationship with our Heavenly Abba (Daddy) and with one another in our earthly relationships."
    William Helland 
    Pastor & Author of
    Pause Before the Pulpit

    "A Unique Approach...I have known Tov for years and knew that he was a multi-talented individual. Little did I know that he was an author too! What a pleasant surprise to find a fresh, edgy, challenging and inspiriting call to the men of the 21st century to "Man Up!" Yet he does this without the typical approach of religious condemnation or psychological MANnipulation. He easily recaptures the lost art of story-telling to impart spiritual wisdom from the Holy Scriptures, the Book of Books, a very safe place to find truth and enlightenment on this oft overlooked topic...So I give this book my full recommendation..."  Rabbi Ed Rothman
    Seed of Abraham Messianic Congregation
    St. Louis Park, MN

    Product Description

    Today, Jewish people and Christians alike suffer a similar kind of blindness: They do not know their God.

    I know, that looks like an inflammatory statement, but please give me to the end of the book to present my case before passing judgment. There is a secret hidden in your Bible.

    The name Yehovah is from the consonants YHWH, and can be found almost 6000 times in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). YHWH is rendered as LORD in most English Bibles, according to the pattern set by the King James Bible translators.

    But did you know that there are TWO forms of the Divine Name, the YHVH? One is the Father God and the other is His Son. Can you tell them apart in the Bible?

    With this groundbreaking book now you can answer the one question MOST Christians and Jewish people get wrong: Who is the God of the Hebrew Bible? If you said, “The Father” then you got it wrong, and I’m going to prove it to you.

    What you will find may shatter everything you've ever known about God. It might also open the doors you to really know Who The Father is.

    One respected Rabbi is even quoted as saying, “Our sages of blessed memory, long before the Christian Era, held that there was a plurality in the Godhead. Indeed, this teaching was held for yet 100 years after the destruction of the second temple (70 A.D.), and, as it was contained and declared in the Holy Scriptures, it was also set forth in our most ancient books.” - Rabbi Tzvi Nassi

    Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. (John 8:58)

    Who am I to argue with such an old tradition?

    I dare you to open this book…

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