
End Times? The Days of Noah? Or Closer to Our Own Times?

Tov Rose      -    1146 Views

Photo: One of thousands of Acambaro Figurines from Pre-Hispanic Peru
Why are there no fossils showing that man interacted with dinosaurs; dinosaur bones which have been gnawed or perhaps dinosaur fossils in association with human fossils or even dinosaur tracks along with human tracks? If you believe that that kind of evidence has not been found, you are assuming facts that are not in evidence.
They’re not in evidence largely because facts that don’t fit the dinosaurs and man never intereracted paradigm are systematically; ignored, suppressed, explained away or relegated to the fringe.
Here are three historical articles that seem to tell another story. By the way, sea monsters (aquatic reptiles) aren’t dinosaurs but they are said to have gone extinct more than 65 million years ago along with the dinosaurs…..s8int.com
The Los Angeles Times
December 2, 1900
“Lately there have been unearthed at the north end of Eastlake Avenue, in the foothills surrounding East Los Angeles, some of the most curious fossils ever seen. Nothing just like them has ever been found, and the puzzle is, how they came to be there.
Nature, in her mysterious way, has hidden the explanation, but she has not concealed the fact of their existence; for there they lie, in two great strips, probably forty feet long and ten feet wide. Whoever chooses may go see for himself.
By far the greater number of these unique specimens resemble in and general outline the vertebrae of some enormous animal”.
The article goes on to puzzle over related fossils that appear to bear a very close resemblance to leg bones, noting a rough surface and that they are “somewhat hollow.”
By leg bones, the author soon lets it be known-he means human leg bones in association with a huge animal that could only be a dinosaur.
According to the writer, behind the leg bones was a great very heavy piece which to all the world appears to be a “gigantic human skull”. In proximity to the skull are what appear to be a gigantic pelvis and a correspondingly large thigh.
These items may be noted in a photograph that appears with the article. (If anyone lives in Los Angeles and has access to an archive of the paper they might want to take a look at that photo; Dec 2, 1900).
The author explains that the soil in which these fossils were found has the chalky, carbonous character of soil in which oil is often found.
“The Geologists Have Their Theories
The geologists had been out to see the fossils and so immediately their creative abilities were put to use in order to “normalize” the discovery. One popular theory is that a highly impregnated, mineral rich stream of water had flowed over tree roots or other vegetation to form the large, regular shaped spine like fossils and leg bones.”
Among those clinging tightly to this theory were Prof. John Merriam of Berkeley and E.W. Claypole of Pasadena.
Claypole believed in a variation of the theory that just barely excluded fairies. The author of the 1900 article thinks that these theories fall a bit short on account of the various sizes and shapes of fossils which stubbornly continued to look like animal remains.
The author and perhaps Mr. Towner, the discoverer, believe that the bones are the vertebrae and the remains of a giant saurian.
Mr. Towner invited everyone who had a theory to share it.
“One day this week there was unearthed something that passes all the other specimens, a shape that can barely be mistaken in its identity, and yet from its position, condition and surroundings, is a wonder study. How such a piece could have been preserved so long, or where it came from, or whether it be really the head bone of prehistoric man or not; all these are questions to be answered.
Yet the same skull is apparently that of a human skull, with perfect ridges on the sides. It hardly seems possible that the gigantic leg and other bones could have belonged to one with so small a cranium, yet scientists tell us that the troglodyte, or cave-dwelling man was of enormous stature, with very small brain capacity.”
Photo: From the Original Article

According to the article, there appeared to be a head wound on the skull which no doubt contributed to the man’s death. This explains why the bones of man and dinosaur are “so weirdly intertwined”; the giant man and giant saurian were locked in mortal combat and both had perished as a result.
“What a fight that must have been! Fancy some great man with arms a foot or two longer than our current largest man, and of such stature as we have never contemplated, engaged in deadly struggle with a monster of the Saurian type.”
The author argues that this man was no slouch for he gave as much as he got.

Human Skeleton Inside Mammoth Carnivore with Eight Pound Teeth
Another What Was it?
November 2, 1877, Carthage Montana Patriot
“Mr. Henry Woodard owns a stock rancho in the Indian Territory, in the Peoria Nation, on which is situated the big sulphur spring. The spring is surrounded by a quagmire, which is very deep and slushy, and so soft that it will not bear any considerable weight.
Mr. W lately undertook to curb up the spring in order to get water more easily, and while working in the mire came upon what appeared to be an enormous bone. He at once began an examination which disclosed the fact that it was the head of some mammoth beast.
His curiosity was aroused, and, with the assistance of three other men, he began the work of excavation. For four days they worked, but did not succeed in bringing the monster to the surface. They threw off the marl, but could not lift the head of this golitic giant. They found the skeleton well preserved, and the immense teeth still sat in the jaws.
The jaws were both in place and the spinal column attached to the cranium. The earth was thrown off from the body to the length of twenty feet, but still the gigantic skeleton remained beneath. Three of the front ribs were forced out and proved by measurement to be each eight feet in length.
The dirt was removed from the inside of the osseous structure, and there lay the skeleton of a human being, with one hundred and two flint arrow points and fifteen flint knives. The cranium indicated that it was the skeleton of an Indian.
It would have been impossible for the man to have been inside the animal without having been swallowed by him, and this theory is substantiated by the fact that the bones of the right side of the skeleton were broken and mashed, apparently by force.
The monster, therefore, must have been carnivorous, which is also proven by the teeth, which exhibit the marked characteristics of a flesh-eating beast. A large molar and two incisors, taken from the upper jaw, were exhibited to us at our office yesterday, the largest one weighing eight pounds and measuring eight by four inches in size.
There are two large molars and two blunt tusks on each side of each jaw, the teeth between the molars and the tusks are incisors, having from two to six points and corresponding prongs to each tooth. In front of the tusks the teeth are similar to those of most carnivorous animals in shape.
All the bones indicate that they have lain buried for an incredibly long period, as they crumble rapidly when brought in contact with the atmosphere.
Every circumstance goes to show that these are the largest animal remains ever resurrected, and the teeth, tusks, and structure of the head and jaws prove unmistakably that it was of the carnivorous class.

River Monster that Ate, A Canoe, A Deer and an Indian
The Daily Times, August 25, 1877
Back in the 1800′s a family of “settlers” looks for a suitable Island on which to build a new home off the coast of Northern Alabama. This is an excerpt from the story of their encounter with a dying river monster/aquatic reptile.
“During their visit in search of homes they were induced to go on to the Islands to ascertain if they, or any of them, were of sufficient size to make a settlement.
In order to reach them they procured Indian canoes, made of the bark of trees, in which to cross over the water to the islands. These bark canoes were very small crafts, only of sufficient to carry one, or not more than two persons.
Having prepared themselves for the Inspection of the islands, they set out, and on approaching one, they saw a strange animal of immense size and length about the color of a cat-fish, but more In the shape of a snake, which seemed to have drifted upon the edge of a small island, and was partly in and out of the water, making movements and contortions like it was in the agonies of death.
They approached it. It was partly covered by the water and partly on dry land, but it was of such enormous size and strange shape it baffled all their ideas of such animals, or their knowledge of the whole animal kingdom, but it was certainly a water animal of the snake genre.
After watching its movements and holding a short consultation they determined to kill it if bullets would do so. They then approached more closely; to it and fired several rounds until they discovered that it was dead. Then they went to it for a close examination- to ascertain what it really was, and discovered from the sharp protuberance and unevenness of its body on one side an the evenness of the other that there must be something in it.
When they discovered that they had never seen or heard, or read of such an animal they proceeded with their tomahawks and butcher knives to open it and in doing so, to their utter amazement and surprise, they found in it a bark canoe, the horns and skeleton of a large deer, the skeleton of an Indian, also an old rifle gun such as the Indians of that day used, and bow and arrows.
From finding the above named articles in it and their appearance they concluded that some weeks previously an Indian had-killed a deer, put it into his canoe, and, while crossing the river, the monster had swallowed the canoe, with the Indian, deer and other articles In it. The flesh of the Indian and deer had been digested but the canoe, the gun, the bow and arrows and bones were so indigestible as to sicken the monster, and so enfeeble it that it had floated to where they found it and could not escape from them.


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