
Biblical Hebrew Class Taught by Tov Rose

Tov Rose    , ,   -    1208 Views

Looking for serious students of the Word!

Say YES below if you are serious about giving a 3 month commitment to learning Biblical Hebrew. Classes will be taught online. I have permission to use my mentor's unpublished Biblical Hebrew Primer. When he was alive, he was one of the top 10 Hebrew Scholars in the world.

This is going to be a serious class for serious learners.

I need a minimum of 5 serious students.

This will be an beginning Biblical Hebrew course, but will be taught at the University level. However, I'll keep this simply enough for the average person to participate.

This will be a 12 week intense course, 1-2 meetings per week, 1-1/2 hours each, or one 3 hour class each week (I've not fully decided on this yet). There will be a lot of memorization of Hebrew words found in the Bible. Once you know the alphabet, the major focus will be on reading, rather than speaking the Bible (although you will pick up speaking rather quickly, if that's what you want). The BIBLE ITSELF will be our source text to get you into the Word as quickly as possible. There will be a final Bible interpretation project.

All classes will be live, but I will record them, because everyone knows that life happens and interferes with good intentions!

Along the way I will also teach some Theology of the Hebrew Bible, Bible interpretation issues and techniques, at natural points as it relates to the language. This will also lay the ground work more advanced follow-up class(s).

Price will be $600 per month for the 3 month period, less if paid in full at the start.

If you're seriously interested, send me a Private Message here on Facebook that includes your email address!


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